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Welcome to the blockchain exercise on the NOW platform

You are here to learn a lot about blockchain by using blockchain!

How this exercise will work

Knowledge Base is a system based on blockchain where students can collect Knowledge - literally. Assignment tasks can be found in the Knowledge Base. Once you programmed your smart contract for one assignment, you can submit it and see the Knowledge you acquired. Validator contracts in the background will run tests against your code and give out Knowledge coins for the tests that passed. In the Coin Overview you can see your current Knowledge amount and how much more you need to qualify for the exam.

How to get qualified for the exam

You should always have enough Knowledge to successfully take an exam. In the case of Knowledge base, we want to make sure, that you definitely have enough Knowledge. For each assignment, you can earn a specific amount of Knowledge. The lecturer is able to set the Knowledge amount needed to pass the exam, which you can see in your Coin Overview. So basically, if you have collected enough Knowledge coins, you have enough Knowledge to take the exam. You can always try to reach the ultimate goal of a perfect score by getting maximum points in each assignment and doing the bonus tasks, but that is completely up to you.

Further information on how to interact with Knowledge Base is shown in the following pages of the documentation.