Setting up the KnowledgeBase
To set up the KnowledgeBase, you need to deploy the KnowledgeBase smart contracts. To do this, you need to first start the rpc node. Then navigate to the folder where the smart contracts are located. To do this from the repository root, type:
cd smart-contracts
Then you need to create a file called ".env". To do this, type:
nano .env
and press enter. Then paste the following lines into the file:
You need to change the following lines: * ETH_WALLET_MNEMONIC to the mnemonic of the wallet you want to use to deploy the smart contracts. * PROVIDER to the URL of the RPC API of the node you want to use to deploy the smart contracts.
Then press CTRL+S and CTRL+X to save and exit the file.
Note that the account you use to deploy the smart contracts needs to have enough Ether to pay for the gas. It also important that the account you use to deploy the smart contracts is the only admin at the beginning. You can add more admins later on, but only with the account you used to deploy the smart contracts. Now you can deploy the smart contracts by typing:
npm run prod
This will deploy the smart contracts.