Knowledge Base Setup for Developers

Smart Contracts


  1. Change directory to smart-contracts

  2. Install packages using npm i

Deploy smart contracts to local chain

Deploy contracts to chain using truffle.

  1. Optional: Only recompile the contracts if you did some changes to the contracts truffle compile. The contracts are already compiled and can be found in the build folder. The frontend needs to have the contracts compiled in order to work.

  2. Deploy contracts truffle deploy

Smart Contract Usage

In total the project has two major smart contracts:

  1. ConfigStorage: Stores all necessary config parameters for the system to properly operate

  2. FaucetStorage: Functions that are necessary for operating the ethereum faucet

Further the project also has some smart contracts that are implicitly deployed on the chain via inheritance.

Three contract are used for this:

  1. BaseAdmin: Admin related functions

  2. BaseAssignment: Base functions that every assignment contract (from the students) needs

  3. BaseValidator: Base functions that every assignment validator contract (from the instructor) needs

Base Contract usage

A base contract can be easily imported into any other smart contract by importing the .sol file and referencing the file.


import "../contracts/BaseAdmin.sol";

contract ConfigStorage is BaseAdmin {

In this example the ConfigStorage smart contract inherits any function that the BaseAdmin class owns.

Development of custom assignment validators

To develop custom assignment validators two parts a necessary.

Part 1 - Assignment interface:

First of all the instructor needs to write a smart contract which owns all the necessary functions to test the smart contract as virtual functions. This file can then be inherited by the student and by the validator contract.

An example interface file is shown here:

Assignment Interface

As you can see, the functions have no content and use the virtual keyword. Therefore, the students do not get help to solve the assignment but get a skeleton to implement the necessary functions/methods.

Part 2 - Assignment Validator contract:

Secondly, the instructor needs to create the necessary validation contract. To ensure that each validation contract follows the same guidelines as the others, the validation smart contract needs to inherit the BaseValidator contract. This base contract, offers an interface that every assignment validator contract needs. An example usage of the smart contract can be seen in the ExampleAssignmentValidator.


The ExampleAssignment contract is a mock assignment with some simple functions. This contract is an example, just like the students would deploy to the blockchain.

The instructor needs to develop an interface contract which is in our case the ExampleAssignmentInterface. As you may see, the functions are not implemented and marked as virtual. But they allow the ExampleAssignmentValidator contract to call the necessary functions for every contract which inherits the ExampleAssignmentInterface.

Using the frontend it is possible to test the deployed ExampleAssignment by taking the address of the person who deployed the ExampleAssignment (should be the student address) and the address of the ExampleAssignment smart contract. Using these two parameters and the address of the validation contract it is possible to test any implementation of the ExampleAssignment contract (as long as the functions are implemented).



  1. Change directory to frontend.

  2. Install packages using npm npm i

Frontend & smart contracts

To properly use the frontend the corresponding smart contracts have to be deployed to the chain. The documentation on how to deploy the smart contracts to the chain can be viewed here.

Starting the frontend

To start the frontend for development, run:

npm run dev

To start the frontend for production, run:

npm run build



  1. Change directory to faucet.

  2. Install packages using npm i

Faucet & smart contracts

To properly use the frontend the corresponding smart contracts have to be deployed to the chain. The documentation on how to deploy the smart contracts to the chain can be viewed here.

Sending eth to faucet contract

The faucet contract needs to have some ether to send to the students. To do so, send some ether to the faucet contract address. Use metamask or any other option to send gas to the FaucetStorage contract address.

Starting express API

To start the express API use the following command:

npm run dev

API Usage

The API has one endpoint that can be used to send ether to a student. The endpoint is POST /sendEth and requires the following body:

    "toAddress": "0x9f8fD6722f8f74c9942d0751374a542F5847BfD1"